The premiere of our second short film 'Desperta' will be on 4th June
We have just finished our second short film. It is called 'Desperta'. The premiere will be on 4th June at Teatre Ideal. It's going to start at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at the school during these weeks and also at the theatre from 7.30 p.m. Price: 2 euros. |
We participate at the 'VI European Language Portfolio Conference'
Mariola Hernández and Amparo Salom took part as speakers in the 'VI Jornada de formació per als centres que apliquen el Portfolio Europeu de les llengües' that was held in Alacant. They presented their work 'A Shakesperience'. You can watch a video.
Our eldest pupils visit London
Students from Compulsory Secondary Education visited London with Amparo and Mariola.
The British teacher Barbara Gentles visits us
Our students did several activities organized by the British teacher Barbara Gentles, who teaches at Crook Primary School in UK and is an expert on Shakespeare.
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