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(Valencià) Projecte europeu de les llengües

(Valencià) Ahir el Col·legi Hernández va participar com a ponent en la jornada de cloenda del PEL: Projecte europeu de les Llengües. El servei d´educació plurilingüe de la Conselleria d´Educació ens va seleccionar com a centre de bones pràctiques sobre educació plurilingüe i intercultural

Llegir més

Etwinning Awards 2024

Colegio Hernández has been one of the 8 centers of the Valencian Community recognized for their involvement in pedagogical innovation. An event chaired, among other personalities, by the Minister of Education @pilar_alegria_ and held in Valencia #etwinningpremios2024.

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European Language Portfolio project

This year the students of Infant and Primary School are once again participating in the European Language Portfolio project

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Visit of students from Reunion Island

Last March 6th at Hernandez School we received our partners from Reunion Island

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Colegio Hernández, Champion of the “Programa Pilota a l’Escola Secundària”

The 4th ESO students of Colegio Hernández have been champion of the “Programa Pilota a l’Escola”. In turn, the 2nd ESO team has been ranked third in the 1st cycle. The final series of this “Programa Pilota a l’Escola”, in which 16 teams from different schools throughout the Valencian Community have participated, were held in Ontinyent this Friday, May 28. It is worth noting

Llegir més

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