Open day at the Hernández School

Next Saturday April 21 at 11:00 am we will celebrate the day of open doors at the Hernández School. We encourage you to discover our center and our present and future projects.

(Valencià) Alumnes i professors del Col·legi Hernández participen en una Activitat d’Erasmus+ a Polònia

(Valencià) Alumnes i professors del Col·legi Hernández participen en una Activitat de Formació i Aprenentatge Erasmus+ del projecte KA219 Humanlabs a Wieliczka (Polònia).

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(Valencià) Col·legi Hernández: Reforçant vincles amb els socis d’Escòcia

(Valencià) El Col·legi Hernández ha rebut aquesta setmana els socis europeus del projecte Erasmus+ KA219 Bilateral: “Our lives, our stories” (2017-2019) de la Pollokshields Primary School de Glasgow (Escòcia).

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(Valencià) Les alumnes Selma Della i Lía Estrada guardonades als premis extraordinaris de primària

The students Selma Della and Lía Estrada of the Hernández School have been awarded in the extraordinary prizes of primary 2016-2017 The Ministry of Education Research, Culture and Sports has delivered this week the Extraordinary Primary Awards. This event took place at the Palau de las Artes Reina Sofía, where our students Selma Della Bellver and Lía Estrada Noverques received this important recognition, which

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Ricard & Ricardet at Hernández School

Last Wednesday, March 21st, within the activities of the Educational Pilota a l’Escola project, the Hernández School received the visit of the pilotaris Ricard (Castelló) and Ricardet (Genovés), as an example of professional and technical player of the Pilota Federation respectively. They conducted a session, theoretical and practical, aimed at students in 4th grade. The theoretical part was carried out in the classroom with

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