A new initiative to lower smoke to tobacco

On May 31st, WHO celebrated the World No Tobacco Day, as every year, with a view to warning about the health risks associated with tobacco consumption and promoting the implementation of policies to reduce its consumption From the educational centers, we participate with actions that aim to avoid the incorporation of new smokers and smokers, contribute to the dissipation and sensitize the entire population

Llegir més

The Col·legi Hernández with Francisco Mora at the Àgora Humanlabs

The last mobility of our Erasmus + KA219 “Laboratories of Humanity” project took place from 21 to 25 May at IES Salvador Gadea de Aldaia, coordinator of the project. In this mobility, students and teachers from our center and associated centers have participated: Liceo Laura Bassi (Italy), Liceul Miguel Cervantes (Romania) and PCKZiU (Poland). In general, it has been a week of great emotions

Llegir més

SEIP Program

The midwife Lola Boluda and her team visited our school to develop the PIES (Sex Education Intervention Program) on 9, 11, 16 and 18 May in the 2nd and 3rd classes of ESO. Thank you very much!

(Valencià) Èxit del Col·legi Hernández en la 1ª edició de pilota a l’escola secundària

On May 16th the 1st ESO students from Hernández School, together with more than one hundred students from ten secondary schools, enjoyed our autochthonous sport in the final phase of the 1st Pilota tournament for secondary students in Massalfassar.

Llegir més

Hernández school at the “Trobada d’escoles” in Rafelguaraf

You can see all the photos clicking here!