Colegio Hernández and Pollokshields Primary School in Glasgow at the Ideal Theater

The Hernández School and Pollokshields Primary School in Glasgow live a day of legend at the Teatre Ideal.

The closing ceremony of the Erasmus + KA219 project “Our lives, our stories”, subsidized by the European Commission and coordinated by Pollokshields Primary School in Glasgow, took place last Thursday, March 27th in the afternoon.

The main event took place at the Teatre Ideal. There we enjoyed adventures related to myths and legends that we will discover with the help of Dani Miquel, Rafael Estrada, Eduardo Benetó and our Scottish partners.

Through their songs and poems, they accompanied us by the popular imaginary of our oral traditions with characters like Uela Pinta, Butoni, Sacred Man, the Ness Lake Monster and the Kelpies of Scotland.

The main theme of the event was, on the one hand, the newspaper of Maria, the protagonist of the short “I was here” that connects the realities of Castellón and Glasgow in the Spanish Civil War, and on the other, the commemoration of the death of the poet Miguel Hernández.

The short “I was here” is the product of the work carried out during the first year of the project, where the students of the two centers reflected on migratory phenomena, refugee crises, causes of emigration and even sought family history. The conclusion of these reflections was that they all had stories to tell.

In May of 2018, our 6th grade pupils traveled to Glasgow, where they participated in a Storytelling festival and in a cultural immersion program.

This course, we received the visit of our Glasgow partners during the week of March 25 to 28. During this period we have carried out different workshops and activities related to the European Portfolio of languages ​​and the popular culture of our people.

The fundamental objective of this Erasmus + KA219 project has been the improvement of the communicative competence of the students through the recovery of histories of the intangible cultural heritage of both locations. A competition that has been reflected in the play “Save the unicorn” starring and performed on the morning of March 28 at Teatre Ideal for students of 5th of primary and P7 of the two centers in Valencian and in English.

We want to thank all the people who have participated and made possible this project that marks forever the lives of all the participants. These programs favor the acquisition of foreign languages, as well as the improvement of social and civic competence and the creation of strong friendship and brotherhood ties.