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The European career continues at the Hernández School. Now we close an Erasmus + KA1 project called “Education in the 21st century: creaTICvity + innovation + quality = key of future”, which has lasted for 2 years, from 2016 to 2018. In this project, the faculty of the center was able to attend courses Structured training in Ireland, England and the Czech Republic, as well as periods of observation (jobshadowing) to centers of reference for their excellence in England and Northern Ireland.
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The English specialist, Sarai Vicente, held a creativity course in Exeter, United Kingdom, in September 2016. This course aimed to achieve learning through active methodologies based on one’s experiences and experience, vivid learning
The director, Mariola Hernández, lived a period of observation (jobshadowing) at the Primate Dixon de Coalisland. The center is a benchmark for the schooling of students with autism spectrum disorder. This mobility took place in December of 2017. Before this mobility, Mariola had already completed another jobshadowing in England at the Dene Magna School, in December 2016, right at the beginning of the project. In this case, he could observe how he is prepares the center for the external evaluation tests of the Ofsted center.
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In the summer of 2017, Amparo Salom traveled to the Czech Republic to participate in a structured course based on innovative approaches to teaching: Innovative Approaches to teaching. This course has helped us to train cascades in the rest of the faculty of the cloister in European programs and gamification as a thrilling tool in the teaching-learning process within an PAF (Annual Training Plan) course.
Finally, during the month of May 2018, our head of studies, Adrián Hernández, has participated in another structured course on ICT and co-operative learning: ITC for Teaching. This course took place in Dublin.
Our experience has been very positive and has helped us to evolve as a center and to consolidate our center internationalization.
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We can not conclude this paper without stating that we have been approved a new Erasmus + KA101 (2018-2020) project called “Rethinking our teaching skills through inclusion and ICT”, where teachers will take observation and teaching periods in reference centers at European level .