A new initiative to lower smoke to tobacco

On May 31st, WHO celebrated the World No Tobacco Day, as every year, with a view to warning about the health risks associated with tobacco consumption and promoting the implementation of policies to reduce its consumption

From the educational centers, we participate with actions that aim to avoid the incorporation of new smokers and smokers, contribute to the dissipation and sensitize the entire population in general. Within these activities, in the centers, we carry out different activities such as the itinerant tobacco room, the educational projects for the prevention of smoking and the European “smokeless classes” competition.
Specifically in this last contest, the class of 1st ESO of the Colegio Hernández for the slogan has been awarded: down the bad smoke and those smiles, made by the students Maria Martínez, Anna Encarnación and Carol Campos.

The award was given by the director of the Xátiva Public Health Center, Guillermo Jorques Aracil, and Marisa Moreno Jiménez, coordinator of the Promotion and Prevention Unit.

Congratulations to the winners!

  • 3 June, 2018
  • Web