The Col·legi Hernández with Francisco Mora at the Àgora Humanlabs

The last mobility of our Erasmus + KA219 “Laboratories of Humanity” project took place from 21 to 25 May at IES Salvador Gadea de Aldaia, coordinator of the project. In this mobility, students and teachers from our center and associated centers have participated: Liceo Laura Bassi (Italy), Liceul Miguel Cervantes (Romania) and PCKZiU (Poland).

In general, it has been a week of great emotions where we have taken a tour of the different stages of our project: reason, emotion, feelings, overcoming and the word. We have been able to remember unforgettable moments of each one of the mobility in all the associated centers.

On Thursday 24th of May, the show “L’ágora més humana” took place at the TAMA de Aldaia. The event was sponsored by Francisco Mora Teruel who managed to thrill the entire audience with the conference “You can only learn what you like.” Mora is a doctor of medicine from the University of Granada and a doctor in Neuroscience for the University of Oxford. He is Professor of Human Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid and a full professor at the Department of Molecular and Biophysical Physiology at the University of Iowa in the USA. His book “Neuroeducation: you can only learn what you love” is a reference for teaching and has inspired from our inception our “Humanities Laboratories” with reflections full of hope.
In these two years of intense collaboration and work, we have been able to reflect on the time in which we live where the true dimension of the human being is constantly being tested: refugee crises, impoverishment of society, tensions in Europe, intolerance, fanaticisms Sexual violence, harassment in the classrooms … are circumstances with which the 21st century has been found and show an educational need for inclusion and coexistence.

The school advances without pause towards innovative technological environments and launches innovative methodologies. For this we need a technology that serves as an alliance for the creation of educational spaces where emotion and curiosity are present, and therefore, supported by neuro-education. Mora warns us that the human being is logical and emotional, and that without emotion there is no curiosity, there is no learning, there is no memory. Much less, coexistence.

In this regard, we have committed ourselves to transforming our centers into open spaces that are attentive to aspects beyond the curricula: reason, emotion, feeling, empathy, curiosity, and universal aspects.

In short, Colegio Hernández and IES Salvador Gadea have opened the doors in Europe and have made the European dimension an identity feature.