
Posts byadmin

Europe day 2021

Colegio Hernández celebrated Europe Day with various activities aimed at instilling European values in the school’s students. It also makes them aware and appreciates the influence that the EU plays in their daily lives and the importance, in the future, of being active European citizens. All stages from early childhood education, primary to secondary education together with the teachers, participated and enjoyed a festive

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Role playing games

The Junior Ambassadors have been working on the Role Play of the European Parliament. During three sessions the students have put themselves in the shoes of a deputy of the European Parliament. They have worked on the legislative proposals of the European Commission, modifying and expressing their different points of view. Then, they have presented them to the rest of their colleagues (in Spanish

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Cultural Week 2021 Activities

The Junior Ambassadors have taught in the cultural week to students from first to sixth grade, traditional games from various European countries: Spain, Germany, Romania, Austria, Italy and France. The students enjoyed playing “Mocadoret”, Topsfschlagen, Kendama, Status Tag, Fazzoletto peo peo and Escargot. The objective of the activity is to encourage students to learn games from different European countries, promoting interculturality through recreational activities

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Cascade Training

Our Junior Ambassadors have explained to the other students what it means to be an Ambassador School, how the European Union was formed and the importance of the European Parliament in our day-to-day lives.

Update of the Infopoint Course 2020/2021

Colegio Hernández, as Ambassador School of the European Parliament, has updated its Infopoint for this course.    

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