Visit of students from Reunion Island

Last March 6th at Hernandez School we received our partners from Reunion Island

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Day of Peace and Nonviolence

This activity, among others, promotes interpersonal intelligence, education in values and raises funds to ensure programs against child malnutrition.

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The last audiovisual work of Colegio Hernádez is awarded at the MICE

Last Saturday, October 23th, the International Exhibition of Educational Cinema (MICE) awards ceremony was held in Alzira.

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Colegio Hernández, Champion of the “Programa Pilota a l’Escola Secundària”

The 4th ESO students of Colegio Hernández have been champion of the “Programa Pilota a l’Escola”. In turn, the 2nd ESO team has been ranked third in the 1st cycle. The final series of this “Programa Pilota a l’Escola”, in which 16 teams from different schools throughout the Valencian Community have participated, were held in Ontinyent this Friday, May 28. It is worth noting

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