Category Archives: Web

Pottery display by Hernández School students

Pottery display by Hernández School students.

Llegir més

European School Sport Day

(Valencià) Alumnes del Col.legi Hernández s’han juntat amb milers de xiquets/etes d’Espanya per participar activament en les activitats del European School Sport Day.

Llegir més


Thursday 22nd September has been a very special day in our school, we participated in the “Day Without Cars”. 75% of our pupils came to the school with public transport or on foot. Some family members have wanted to accompany them in order to support the campaign.

Llegir més

Students from Hernandez school are awarded with the Ausiàs March Poetry for Children Awards organized by the Culture Department.

Last Friday 9th September the Castellum Ripae Awards were given at the Santa Ana hostel. This event was organized by the Culture Department.

Llegir més

Welcome to a new academic year 2016-2017

Hernández School wishes you a very nice beginning 2016-2017!

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